Red Snapper @ Erarta Museum
Red Snapper @ Erarta in Saint-Petersburg announce
So apparently I'm gonna be officially shooting photographs of Red Snapper concert this Saturday at Erarta Museum. Concert report will be up on Sunday.
As they say — please stand by.
Upd: done.
Hospitality Ukraine 2017
Leningrad in fall of 2016. Part 1.5. Concert.
At some point I found myself in a “Jagger” club which mascot was (attention) Mick Jagger. The club held rock-battle that day (quarter or semi-final). I couldn't miss that event.
There were three competitor bands which names I forgot. I named them as follows: “Generic Russian rock band”, “Evanescence Bizkit” and “Sons of Makarevich” (due to frontman's visual similarity to Russian rock star Andrey Makarevich). The history didn't save photographs of “Generic Russian rock band” performance for us, but trust me, they are really generic.
“Evanescence Bizkit” were young (hence incoherent) guys which didn't quite yet understand who they want to be like.

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