Leningrad in fall of 2016. Part 2. Details.
All crosswalks in SPb (as well as in the rest of Russia) are marked with zebras.

Meanwhile in Ukraine zebra is drawn only on unregulated crossroads, but crossroads with traffic lights are marked with just a dashed corridor. I was the cause of around five nearly-accidents because of it, when I (realizing my legal awareness) crossed the road, not noticing the red light. Drivers (being stopped by my inexorable hand) was too amazed with my impudence to honk.
Finally I found quest leaf (why would it be highlighted then?)

Saint Isaac's Cathedral looks godly from any point of view.

The column section is a separate element of culture. In fact, one may freely skip the inner excursion for the sake of a walk in tight passes, storeys and stone spiral staircases.

The city is very fond of sculptures of various kinds. The dominant color is green-ish.

Petro Primo, Catharina Secunda. Ukraina latina. Roman digits is the worst mankind invention.

Ears don't stick out.

Downtown (especially near the Admiralty) is highly inhabited with cadets.

Sadly I forgot about the autumn and beautiful (almost traditional) excursion on motor ship was slightly disrupted by an early sunset.

Street art is poorly developed, but when they do, there are no comments.

Watching bascule bridges moving is very traumatic experience. Let's forget about coldness and late night. It is unnaturalness of situation which surprises the most: asphalt should not be in vertical position.

Famous SPb language is not a myth. Even the simplest of possible phrases is formulated as if it was a poem.
“Please don't steal anything. I have no money and without that. Thanks.”

There are a lot of food and food-related shops in the city, but most of them are kinda specific. For instance, one day I visited indian restaurant (based in a living apartment) with enlightened but emaciated with raw food diet local waiters. Chefs were tough sikhs. On the right there were members of “Success & Business” sect, they discussed agenda for the next meeting. Food was not so tasty.
On TV there were Burger King ads stating “THE VERY BEST FRENCH FRIES!!!” in BK. That happened to be true. I was deeply amazed with free Pepsi, Mirinda and 7Up resupply (in fact you only buy a cup for drinks). Here, in Ukraine, it would be nearly impossible, people is too greedy.
But in the end of the day “Idiot” restaurant was very tasty and comfortable. There wasn't many visitors though, but, duh, it was in middle of working day. What is the usual compliment from the chef? Crispy sticks, a bit of focaccia or a cup of juice. Here (without any hesistation) we were given a shot of vodka.

Well, we're used people, but two ladies from Great Britain were surprised with such a compliment and drank their vodka as juice, with small sips. Disgusting.
There was someone's school-leaving certificate on the wall (from the beginning of 20th century). Russian language is failed. GPA is four and three in period.

ArtLebedev's restaurant and shop is worth of individual reference.

After buying some goods (one does not simply walk by “Mandership” book) I digested cuisine. Reporting: fried vareniki with suluguni is the best dish I've eaten with suluguni in my life. There is nothing I could produce as a reproach to this shop.

Except for slightly sour lemonade.

Back to the TV. It's more human-oriented here. I had already noticed that in 90's when oncoming TV channels (in order to gain audience) rebroadcasted russian channels.
The idea of single ticket is the best invention since sliced bread. No mess with paper or metal money, one card for everything and progressive controllers with NFC-readers ensuring the fact of check-in in this particular bus. The transport system here is much better than in Kiev. To say the least, it's completely OK to drive from the airport to the nearest subway station for 30 RUR (can you imagine that in Kiev? I can't). However our subway and tram implemented PayPass much earlier.
On the contrary, public transport is a little bit more expensive here than in Ukraine. But everything else is much cheaper (compared to analogs in Kiev). Domestic production really fully meets the market with quality products. Long live the grocery embargo! However, the embargo for some reason did not affect products from Finland, there are a lot of them here. I didn't investigate this issue so deeply. They don't save on receipt paper here — when I was in Burger King I was issued, I think, four hefty check.
I won't write anything about Hermitage, it would take whole separate series of posts, thereto I was too greedy to pay 5000 RUR for shooting on professional camera. Eventually I'll write some posts about particular memories and adventures.
Leaving this city was extremely sad. By the end of vacation you get used to everything and consider this place native and familiar. The necessity of leaving is very painful. Probably, it's because Saint-Petersburg is the city in which you return.
I'll try not to linger.

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